Antigone, again face to face…trying to go deeper in your story, in my story and in the history here and now.
We stayed in Brzezinka for the first week. The place is very beautiful, the old residency where Grotowski worked in the 70s. How many people stepped this grass, and played on this wooden floor. How many songs and voices have got through these woods.
We worked a lot on the flexibility of the coloumn, three circles and movement with stick. Then a little strolling in the basic movement of some animals: bear, crane, snake…we focused at the end on the dance of the bear. Trying to get in contact with the forest’ spirit and with each of us.
What is community? How to build a work together? How to train patience?
For some aspects the time spent in Brzezinka was very challenging, in the ordinary living.
Fabio talked to each one of us giving some indications on which part of Maria Zambrano’s book to work.
Edipo. The figure of the father. The blindness.
Everything is so deep connected with me.
Damn it…
We moved to Wroclaw – Na Grobli. What a change of situation!!!
We worked more on the actions and on the songs.
Anna Cinzia made a great work with ‘Luna Otrantina’, such a beautiful and important song…It was a pleasure to work with her.
Cantica Antigone, we did it.
– How much noise in the silence, night –
It was so strange to work in this violated space…violated river…boats with loud music passing by…all these colorful lights… was such an adventure to do the performance. We were all giving full energy to overcome the situation and to care and protect the work of our collegues.
Two days of symposium ‘Saving Hope: Theatrical Artivism in Spaces of Conflict’
days full of stories, some really terrible stories.
What is the deep meaning of theatre?
Theatre with only three hours of electricity per day.
Theatre to build awarness.
Theatre to give smiles.
Theatre despite the oppressor.
Theatre to resist.
Theatre to be happy.
Theatre to, possibly, forgive.
Theatre to have hope.
Theatre, here and now.
It was very important to hear all the stories.
There are no suffering of serie A and serie B.
It’s not a challenge.
Every situation is different, the main thing is to listen the stories told by the people that are living the situations.
We can’t stay blind.
I want a world were there is no militarization.
I am a feminist and I don’t want to be in the Army.
I don’t recognize myself in a uniform or in a flag.
I dissociate myself from the idea of fighter, of heroine.
I don’t want to be a hero.
Neither for my country nor for anyone.
I condemn war with all my heart and body.
…save a hope!