Seeds of life – Wroclaw
image The participants of the Seeds of Life with the Osoba Odra
The third ecological activity “Seeds of Life” addressed the important issue of river Oder pollution and how the ecological associations together with habitants, artists, legal representatives created an ecological movement in order to protect their river. In specific, Anna Gołębiowska from the Osoba Odra association (https://osobaodra.pl/en/home/) , in the Na Grobli Studio of Grotowski Institute, presented their work to protect the river as they fight to create a legal representation of the river as a person. She also shared the activity of the March for the Oder, an alternative manifestation that many people and families participated in and she created an open discussion with the participants. The artists shared their ideas but also exposed the reality from their countries for different types of environmental problems, like fire, droughts and pollution. The activity ended with an open dialogue of the participants, speaking also about the significant role of art in order to highlight this important issue.